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Si el amor es guerra, no quiero paz.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where are you??

If you haven't started using Gowalla, foursquare, or most recently Facebook's locating options, you should check it out. These are basically new technologies that allow users to report their current locations online, for the world to see. Venture capitalist have poured $115 million into these location start-ups since last year.

Sadly, adoption to these new technologies has stayed in the I-phones of young, tech, savvy users (such as myself). As creepy as posting your location on-line may sound, I think there's a lot of potential in these companies. Foursquare for instance, allows you to "check-in," if you check-in to a specific location a certain amount of times you can become the mayor of the location. Users can win badges such as the "adventurer badge." The feature that I think has the most potential, is that businesses can post promotions for its users. Right now, Whole Food's special is: "For our Mayor free coffee 24/7 & FREE meal at North Side Trattoria each Friday!" If more businesses become aware of this new and emerging technology, more smart phone users will be inclined to use the application simply to get amazing promotions to their favorite spots.

Mmmm coffee sounds good right about now.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I have been in school for nearly a week and as dorky as it sounds, I am EXCITED about this semester. Every time I mention to my friends that I am in the MPA program, they say: "That sucks." Although I know I'll be swamped with work, I am secretly excited about my classes.

Rodrigo y Gabriela, Mexican guitarist duo, will be playing at Stubbs this Friday night. I am dying to go! I promised my mom I'd go home this weekend but maybe I can just go back early Saturday morning. If you haven't heard this amazing due yet, they play beautiful acoustic guitar, lighting fast songs. Here's a video of one of my favorites:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Walking the Amazong

Ed Starfford recently became the first person to walk the entire length of the Amazon river, a feat that took two years to complete. What this man has done is utterly amazing and crazy.

I find this article especially interesting because I went to the Amazon for a week this summer and thought it was a great experience. The Amazon is a beautiful ecosystem that houses more than 50% of all species. After traveling to such an amazing place, it is hard to wonder why man kind would ever hurt this world we live on.

The best part of my trip was when my family and I went to "La isla de los micos" (Monkey Island). When we fed the monkeys, there were at least 20 on top of us fighting to get a banana; it was extremely exciting. My dad and I also canopied up a 100 foot tree which was something I'd never done before, and then zip lined over the rain forest to reach our final destination.